Newsletter – August 2022

Newsletter – August 2022

This is one of the most urgent conditions we attend. Maybe a third of these cows will die and the quicker they are attended to the better is the survival and future breeding outcome. Prolapsed uterus is when the whole womb gets pushed out, usually within a few hours...
Newsletter – August 2022

Newsletter – November 2019

Mating is winding down for most dairy farms with the bulls now running with the herd. Keep an eye on dominant behaviour from the bulls and rotate the mating team around. Sometimes it is beneficial to remove dominant bulls from the mating team as they can spend all...
Newsletter – August 2022

Newsletter – October 2019

The Mycoplasma stigma seems to have been extended to any farmer bringing large numbers of animals to a new area e.g. a new 50:50 share milker. This is inappropriate. I would liken it to the initial HIV/AID’s issues of the 1980’s and 1990’s. Education and knowledge...